Thursday, July 24, 2008


Wow, an actual connection. Hrmm what should I do? Eat the sky? How about something un-original. Here's my censored travel journal for the past month people.

1:50PM P: Paris; LaCarossa M: Exhausted, happy W: Sunny
Small spread on plane before landing.
Swiftness; work; virtue: Sun.
Been true so far. Leaving DeGaulle was easy
but once off the RER I had a grueling time
finding this place.
Room is nice and my credit card worked.
I think my Checking account may be out till
I can clear some stuff tomorrow but I
have 40E on me, that' should' last the day.
Meeting Anita at 6:00 PM, going to try
and find the occult store before then.
Heh, when was the last time I slept.
Should really find a way to call my mom and
let her know I'm fine.
Went to both occult sotores and the Louvre
Couldn't figure out the phone sys
Check card fine
Met Anita and two friends
Drank and smoked pot and talked by Eiffel tower
Cops harassed us about pot but gave it back
since we were "tourists"
Came back and let in w/ little trouble at 1:50 AM
No internet connect, outlet works.

[Hell, I'm tired of this, I'll keep going with this ledger of days later.]

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